Does Playing Rock Music In a Thunderstorm Really Bring Bad Luck?

Image result for rock music in a thunderstorm
Let's face it, you've all heard many myths in your life. Break two drum sticks at the same time, get good luck, If your ear turns red, someone is talking about you, you know where we're going here.

But on the subject of drums, however, there's been a myth I have heard a lot of moons ago, playing rock music during a thunderstorm is supposed to bring you bad luck.

Is this really true?

It may be tempting to think it is; however, I have tested, and re-tested this in the rare instances the area I live in has been hit by thunderstorms. Honestly, in all instances bad luck has not come my way.

Thunderstorms can be dangerous,  but they are said to have brought happiness when the Greeks dreamed of them. It is said that Dr. Frankenstein was born with a strike of lightning. There are two particular songs I have tested with Rock You LIke a Hurricane by the Scorpions, and everyone's favorite, Thunderstruck by AC/DC. I have always listened to the latter more often in thunderstorms.

The result? It tends to spark a little liveliness along with the loud claps of thunder. Apart from that, nothing bad has ever happened to me.

Having said that, KEEP ON ROCKIN' IN THE FREE WORLD. You won't get thunderstruck, seriously you won't.


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