Happy Birthday: Steve Perry is 70 Today
Steve Perry, of Journey fame, is celebrating his 70th birthday today. Born Stephen Ray Perry 70 years ago today (1949), he spent most of his time growing up in the San Jauqlin Valley area. In his early 20s, Perry moved to Sacramento where he hooked up with future producer Scott Mathews. Though they made some records at the infamous Record Plant in Los Angeles, Ice broke up in 1973 after returning to Sacramento and their songs were virtually never heard. Another important precursor to Steve Perry's Journey was the prog rock band Pieces. Featuring prominent bass player Tom Bogert (of Jeff Beck fame). That band didn't last too long either, and in his mid 20s (circa 1977), Perry formed the Allen Project. The band had just made their demo when bass player Richard Michaels died in a motor vehicle accident. Upset, Perry began looking into a different venture. However, at the suggestion of his mother, Perry answered an ad placed by Walter "Herbie" Hanncock who was managi...